Love story 5


The romance or love in this story might be left for discussion. Here it comes: A man took his wife to the Vladivostok station to see her off for the Tran-Siberian railway line all the way to Moscow. She was crying because she would not see her husband for six and a half days.

But after the train had left her tears quickly dried and she started to flirt. She spent the time on board flirting, and the staff on board suspected she did not sleep too often in her own compartment.

At the end of the week her husband had flown without luggage armed only with flowers to meet her at Moscow station. But when the train arrived at Moscow station the woman had lost all sense of time while travelling through the different time zones between Vladivostok and Moscow and was neither prepared for getting off the train nor for meeting her husband.

The staff onboard the train had to act quickly. They found her completely undressed in a compartment she should not have been in. They covered her with carpets and carried her back to her coach and compartment on a stretcher, pretending she was ill. And then the married couple could be happy reunited.