Love story 3


15 years ago a woman was working at a station along the Trans Siberian railways. This was before everybody got mobile phones. So if you were to meet you had to note the train times and be there when the train arrived.

One day a man walked into her station. He was travelling the Trans-Siberian Railways and was looking around while the train was making a short stop. They started talking, and it turned out that he was travelling regularly with the Trans-Siberian Railways and that he was passing by her station once a week.

It became a habit that he came to see her while his weekly train made a stop at her station. She had to make sure she could be there when he passed by.

These short, weekly meetings became the highlights of her life, and she realised she was in love. The same had happened to him. She decided to leave the railways and to be with him and today they are married and have a family.